Tuesday, July 19

Madrid and Amsterdam

So of all the places to be in the world, Madrid is not the worst. We definitely wouldn't call it the best either though. 
The best things there were 

1. The gigantic, enormous, huge street market that we wandered through for hours and hours
2. The Garden of Earthly Delights (one of Emily's favorite art pieces)

Fortunately, we are now in Amsterdam, which is a rather lovely place! The transition from Spain was rather shocking, since we left a place with no humidity at 90', and were welcomed by a miserable, gusty, cold rain, but today was sunny and warm(ish) and perfect, and the weather-app predicts more of the same. Hopefully our luck will hold out, but just in case we devoted all day today to shopping for raincoats (nothing purchased yet though).

Tomorrow, we will explore the city outside of the stores.

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