Wednesday, June 22


Tuesday and Wednesday in Paris were much more eventful than Sunday and Monday.


-saw the Anish Kapoor exhibit at the Grand Palais
-went to Notre Dame
-and a couple other churches (mysteries all - we didn't write down the names)
-saw the lock bridge
-Leah got stabbed by a petitioner/beggar... with a pen.... but still. Really.
-got a little lost in Paris
-ate snails and raw meat - steak tartare, and only a bite or so each. Bleh. The snails were good.
-went to the TOP of the Eiffel Tower (it's SO tall. sooooo tall.)
-made it back to solid ground safely
-saw the longest, wettest, saddest line in the world (outside of the Louvre)
-made it into the Louvre without waiting in the long sad wet line. There we saw many wonderful artworks.
-survived many rude tourists (people wayyyy more annoying than us).

So far it's been fabulous.

Anish Kapoor exhibit - for scale, the background person in black is directly under the arch.

Lock bridge - it's a tradition here (and apparently some other places) to write your and your amant's name on a lock, lock it to the bridge, and then throw the key into the water. 

Leah's first delicious bite of escargot.

Ta-da! Way more awesome and worthwhile than either of us expected. Paris is truly the City of Lights. 

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